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Where Can I Buy Artvigil 150 mg Tablets: Uses, Dosage, Price, and Modafinil

Where Can I Buy Artvigil 150 mg Tablets: Uses, Dosage, Price, and Modafinil

Artvigil 150 mg is a popular nootropic used to promote wakefulness and enhance cognitive functions. It’s a generic version of the drug Armodafinil, known for its effectiveness in treating sleep disorders and improving mental performance. This blog will explore where you can buy Artvigil 150 mg tablets, their uses, dosage recommendations, pricing, and how they relate to modafinil.

What is Artvigil 150 mg?

Artvigil 150 mg contains Armodafinil, a eugeroic or wakefulness-promoting agent. It’s primarily used to treat conditions like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. The drug works by altering neurotransmitters in the brain, which helps improve wakefulness and reduce excessive sleepiness.

Uses of Artvigil 150 mg

  1. Narcolepsy: Artvigil is commonly prescribed for narcolepsy, a chronic sleep disorder characterized by overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep.
  2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): It helps people with OSA stay awake during the day. OSA is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leading to poor sleep quality and daytime fatigue.
  3. Shift Work Sleep Disorder (SWSD): Artvigil is beneficial for individuals who work non-traditional hours and have trouble staying awake during their work shifts or have difficulty sleeping during scheduled sleep times.
  4. Cognitive Enhancement: Off-label, many use Artvigil to enhance cognitive functions, including memory, focus, and mental clarity. It’s popular among professionals, students, and anyone needing an extra cognitive boost.

How Does Artvigil 150 mg Work?

Artvigil 150 mg works by affecting the brain’s neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine. It inhibits the reuptake of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with motivation, pleasure, and alertness. By increasing dopamine levels in the brain, Artvigil helps improve wakefulness and cognitive function.

Dosage Recommendations

The typical dosage of Artvigil 150 mg depends on the condition being treated:

  1. For Narcolepsy and OSA: A single dose of 150 mg is taken in the morning.
  2. For SWSD: A dose of 150 mg taken approximately one hour before the start of the work shift.
  3. For Cognitive Enhancement: While not officially recommended, users typically take 150 mg in the morning to maintain alertness and focus throughout the day.

Possible Side Effects

Like all medications, Artvigil 150 mg can cause side effects. Common side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth

More severe side effects are rare but can include:

  • Severe skin reactions
  • Allergic reactions
  • Psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or hallucinations


Before taking Artvigil 150 mg, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Medical History: Inform your doctor if you have a history of heart problems, high blood pressure, liver or kidney issues, or mental health disorders.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: The effects of Artvigil on pregnancy and breastfeeding are not well-studied. Consult your doctor before use.
  • Drug Interactions: Artvigil can interact with other medications, including hormonal contraceptives, antifungal medications, and certain antidepressants. Inform your doctor of all medications you’re taking.

Where to Buy Artvigil 150 mg

  1. Online Pharmacies: Many online pharmacies sell Artvigil 150 mg. Ensure you choose a reputable source to avoid counterfeit products. Look for pharmacies that require a prescription and have good customer reviews.
  2. Local Pharmacies: In some regions, you might find Artvigil 150 mg at local pharmacies, but availability can vary.
  3. Modafinil Shops: Specialized modafinil shops online, like Modafinil Shop 24, offer a variety of nootropics, including Artvigil 150 mg. These shops often provide fast shipping and bulk purchase options.

Comparing Artvigil 150 mg and Modafinil

Artvigil 150 mg (Armodafinil) and Modafinil are often compared due to their similar uses. Here are some key differences:

  1. Chemical Structure: Armodafinil (Artvigil) is an enantiopure compound, meaning it contains only the (R)-enantiomer of modafinil. This makes it potentially more potent and longer-lasting.
  2. Dosage: Typically, a lower dose of Armodafinil (150 mg) is needed compared to Modafinil (200 mg) for similar effects.
  3. Duration: Armodafinil may provide a longer duration of wakefulness and cognitive enhancement compared to Modafinil.

How to Ensure You’re Buying Genuine Artvigil 150 mg

When purchasing Artvigil 150 mg online, it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting a genuine product. Here are some tips:

  1. Check for a Verified Pharmacy: Look for online pharmacies that are verified by recognized pharmacy accreditation organizations. These pharmacies are more likely to provide genuine products.
  2. Read Reviews: Customer reviews can provide insight into the quality and reliability of the online pharmacy. Look for feedback regarding the authenticity of the products, delivery times, and customer service.
  3. Examine Packaging: Genuine Artvigil 150 mg tablets should come in well-sealed packaging with clear labeling. If the packaging looks tampered with or suspicious, it’s best to avoid using the product.
  4. Consult Healthcare Providers: Before making any purchase, consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide recommendations for reputable online sources and confirm the appropriate dosage for your needs.
  5. Avoid Extremely Low Prices: If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Meager prices can be a red flag for counterfeit products. Stick to reputable sources that offer reasonable prices.


Buying Artvigil 150 mg tablets online can be convenient, but it’s important to take steps to ensure you’re getting a genuine product. By following the tips outlined above, you can make a safe and informed purchase. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new medication, and rely on reputable online pharmacies for your needs.

If you are interested in purchasing Artvigil 150 mg, consider visiting Modafinil Shop 24. Our platform offers genuine products with reliable next-day delivery within the USA. Visit our website at modafinilshop24.com for more information and to place your order. If you have any questions, please contact us at (646) 639-7246. Stay alert and focused with Artvigil 150 mg from a trusted source.

Read more: Where Can I Buy Modafinil Online in the USA?

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